“Rome Wasn’t Built Overnight”
We were taught from a young age that you should have some sort of vision for the future if you want to be successful in life, especially as an entrepreneur. Damn near every accomplished human being has some sort of vision for how they foresee their lives playing out so whether you’re a gifted athlete, aspiring singer, writer or politician, you need to envision success in order to attain it. I can’t imagine that this is new information for anyone reading right now but please, let me continue…
My first time hearing this notion was in a business class way back in high school but at the time it sounded like some sort of super human ability that I simply did not and would not ever have. How am I supposed to know what my future looks like? This is probably a normal reaction for most teenagers since we’re still just kids obviously. So what is vision all about then?
Well, let’s say that you’re driving down the road and see an abandoned, run down home or vehicle and imagine how it would look after fixing it up: that’s vision. You imagine yourself graduating from college in however many years, looking all spiffy with a cap and gown: that’s vision. Getting married and having kids: that’s vision. It’s simply using your imagination to forecast the future; it’s not nearly as supernatural as I had originally thought.
Now, whether or not you technically need to have a vision in order to succeed in life is debatable of course but there is no denying that it helps to have some sort of a mental map. Also, everyone has a different definition of what success is so it’s not like you have to accomplish great things in order to be considered successful. If you work hard for your family and provide them with a decent life then congratulations, you’re a success so be proud and keep it up.
Some people may think of vision as having a dream but I find that discouraging because dreams are wishful whereas a vision is ambitious; Know the difference. Sometimes it's even referred to as “god’s plan” and if that’s what you believe then so be it. Regardless, however you want to think of this notion is up to you of course but either way, the formula remains the same: Imagination + Forward Thinking = Vision.
A vision goes beyond a typical plan in the sense that it doesn’t need to be as specific; it’s much more vague while a plan is more of a concrete, step by step guide used in order to make your vision a reality. The vision itself is pure imagination.
Now, the reality of any vision is rarely the same experience as what was previously imagined. Depending on your attitude and ambitions, when the vision comes to fruition it's either going to be a let down or exceed expectations. Hope that it's the latter obviously but beware because the more grandiose the vision, the more likely you are to be disappointed in the end. “Expect the worst, hope for the best.”
From what I have experienced, the reality of fulfilling a vision is way better than what was previously imagined. How so? Because you actually made whatever happened, happen. Sure, the moped you’re riding on through the mountains you’d once envisioned might not be a fancy CBR 1000 but you also had no idea how fresh the air would be or how nice the sun and wind would feel at that moment.
This shouldn't need to be said but just because you’re envisioning a brighter future does not mean that it will actually happen. As stated before, nothing is guaranteed in life. Even if you have a detailed plan to support the vision, it’s still nothing without action obviously. You need to take the right steps towards the future you envision and that’s what makes or breaks everything. Be calculated, be persistent.
So, what is my vision for the future? Well, if things go accordingly (which they won’t) I will spend at least the next two years traveling or just living abroad in general. The primary focus is on building my own brand through this website and social media. Eventually, I will launch my own line of products, all of which will be made from recycled materials. Once my company is well established and the financial security is there, it will be time to raise my farms. That’s where things truly become revolutionary. More on this later however.
I say that things will not go accordingly simply because they never do; remember that no plan survives contact with the enemy. However, as stated before, a vision is much more vague than a
physical plan which is a good thing because this way there’s more leeway when it comes to jumping on new opportunities or considering alternative courses. Regardless of what anyone says, there’s no such thing as having too many backup plans.
What I’ve learned so far throughout the past thirty years is that the wind of life may change at any moment. There’s no telling where I’ll go with my plans and projects but it’ll be unorthodox either way. Who knows, I may end up in Hollywood, Broadway or even Skid Row. Only time will tell.
The grand vision hasn’t changed much since its beginning as I have always been a big thinker. The physical plans to carry it out are a whole different story however as they are constantly changing. From my understanding, this is normal for people like me.
What’s taking so long though? Well, I'm doing things my way and prefer to move at something called Tater Speed which is anything but constant. Plus, with all the advancements being made in science and medicine on a day to day basis, we should be able to make it to at least one hundred so there’s no sense in rushing. “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” At the end of the day, I’m enjoying damn near every minute of my time here on Earth and in my eyes, that’s the object of this game called life. Besides, Rome wasn’t built overnight.