Welcome to
The Green and Blue Core
Non Profit Organization
Hartford, Connecticut
Note - This is a separate organization from Eratos World
Website is currently in development
A Bit About Us
The Green and Blue Core is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a greener, more equitable future for everyone by doing it's part in carrying out The Great Progression Plan. Our goal is to help resolve "The Big Five" by 2050 as well as provide citizens of every community with the resources and opportunities necessary in order to maintain sustainable yet prosperous societies.
Our job is to build a network of farmers and waste managers who work with one another to collect, process and utilize specific materials for various operations. In doing so, we aim to create a currency "based on waste" so that everyone can earn for their contributions to the cause.
Our vision is that by 2030, what is perceived as being "garbage" today will be viewed as "fuel" for a better future, communities will be plentiful of the most nutritious food that can possibly be grown and people won't have to worry about food, financial, water or emergency supply shortages because The Green and Blue Core guarantees those securities to members of it's network.
Join The Team:
We Want You!
Please subscibe to our email list; It would be nice to fill you in on what's happening.